Before you start the listening, let’s find out what advanced vocabulary we’re going to learn this week.
- Dumb: estupido
You know it’s dumb and silly but it’s crazy and impulsive and dumb. ‘Dumb’ Means ‘stupid’; so if anyone says your idea – or you – are ‘dumb’ then you know they’ve just insulted you. Use the word: Are you dumb at 11 o’ clock at night?
- Pint-sized: muy pequeño
This pint sized singer is the son of a percussionist. ‘Pint sized’ is an amusing word for short people. But take care, it may not be massively insulting but it certainly won’t win you any fiends with the pint sized community. Use the word: Are many people in your family pint-sized?
- Fall out with: pelear/enojarse con
He had fallen out with his father. There are many phrasal verbs with ‘fall’ and this one means ‘to have a conflict with’ or ‘cease to be friends with.’ And remember… if you don’t do your homework then we’re going to fall out. Use the word: Is it normal for brothers and sisters to fallout?
- Merge: fusionar
The two businesses were merged. Well, we talked about this last class, and as you know I’m a great believer in repeat reinforcement… so here we go. ‘A merger’ is the correct, technical word for when two companies unite and come together to form a new company. Use the word: Would it be a good idea for Burger King and Apple to merge?
- To spoil: estropear / consentir a todo
It is a commonly used verb of Germanic origin and it means ‘to spoil.’ ‘ Spoil’ means to destroy or make useless. It is also used with respect to children’s education. If you spoil children you let them behave however they want, which, let’s face it, is as good as destroying them. Use the word: Do Latin people spoil their children?
- Un: ‘des’ / ‘im’
The Prefix ‘mar’ exists in English. ‘Prefix’ is a technical term for the first part of a word, that can be added to many different words to give a particular meaning. For example – un – in English, usually means ‘the opposite or reversal of something’. Zombies are the ‘undead’ for example. Use the word: What would be a better arena for your talents? Use the word: Do you feel like the undead the morning after you drink too much?
- Trademark: marca commercial/personal
Their most important song writer and the architect of their trademark jangly guitar sound. Trademark is literally the legal possession of a certain image or logo – you see it everywhere with the initials ‘TM.’ But it also means something that is typical and definitive of a certain type. Use the word: What is your trademark characteristic?
- Jangly: tintineante
Their most important song writer and the architect of their trademark jangly guitar sound. You may think you don’t know the word ‘jangly’ but you’re wrong. Think of ‘jingle bells’. In the Christmas song ‘jingle’ is an onomatopoeia for the sound of bells or keys or in the case of indie music – a certain type of guitar sound. Use the word: Do you like jangly guitar sounds?
PART 2: Hi, and welcome back, I hope you’re excited about today’s advanced English vocabulary class… I’m super excited. So what words do we have for you?
Advanced English Vocabulary – list 6a
1. Will: testament, inheritance.
E.g. “He inherited a lot of money from his father’s will.” A will – testamento – is the document which says what a dead person wants to do with their possessions, money and assets. Use the word: Whose will would you most like to be in?
2. Coming to terms with: accept, overcome, assimilate.
E.g. “Coming to terms with the fact.” Coming to terms with – superar/aceptar – is to accept something that’s difficult to accept. Often this term is associated with grief “John is still coming to terms with the death of his twin brother.” Use the word: Have you come to terms with the insults you received when you were an adolescent?
3. Dump: to leave (a girlfriend), break up with.
E.g. “She said she was dumping me because I smelt.” To dump someone – dejar a alguien – is to break up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, but it is not mutual. In other words one wants to break up but the other doesn’t want to. Use the word: What’s the cruellest way to dump someone.
4. Proposal: when one person asks another to marry them.
E.g. “Which proposals of marriage should you accept?” When you ask someone to marry you it is called ‘a proposal’ – petición de matrimonio – . In Anglo Saxon culture a proposal is traditionally made by the man on bended knee. Use the word: What’s the most romantic proposal (style, location etc.) you’ve ever heard of?
5. Calculating: conniving, scheming, shrewd.
E.g. “I didn’t like my ex-girlfriend – she was very calculating and manipulative.” Calculating – calculador – refers to actions or behaviour that has been well planned or a person who executes such strategies. However, there is almost always a negative association or a dark motive. Use the word: Do you think you have to be extremely calculating – in terms of politics – to become one of the bosses in your company?
Now it’s time to repeat today’s words of advanced English vocabulary – Will testamento, Come to terms with superar/aceptar, Dump dejar a alguien, Proposal petición de matrimonio and Calculating calculador – Okay, let’s listen to this week’s audio, but remember, CoolTalk is just one module of the unique learning experience called Ingocio. Visit and start improving your career, your general knowledge, and your English. Download the free version… now!
I think you’ll agree this is a great selection of advanced English words. I think my favourite is ‘calculating’ because. let’s face it, life is all about strategy, and sometimes you have to calculate what you’re going to do – several moves in advance. Whether this is the exact meaning of the word, however, you will have to listen to the class. So, download the audio and start learning some advanced English vocabulary.