Part 1 of today’s advanced English vocabulary class.
- Closet: armario (ocultado)
Further proof of my closet homosexuality. A ‘closet’ is an American word for wardrobe. That’s the first thing you need to know. If you then talk about someone’s ‘closet sexuality’ or ‘interest’ it is something they’re hiding… keeping it in their closet, away from the outside world. Use the word: Is it cowardly for a homosexual to stay in the closet?
- Macho: muy de macho
Macho Types Wanted. ‘Macho’ in some languages can mean anything that is male. In English it is a specific type of male with big muscles and very strong. It is rarely used as something positive. Use the word: Are you macho?
- Hangover: resaca
According to the singer, he woke up with a bad hangover the very next day. You are currently listening to one of the world’s most important experts on hangovers. Yes, ‘a hangover’ is the mental and physical suffering – and in my case it really is suffering – that you experience after a night drinking. Use the word: What is the best hangover cure?
- Hijack: secuestrar un avion
Ok… the producer is waving at me for hijacking this part of the show. Hijacking is in its legal sense the illegal taking control of an airplane – usually by terrorists. However, it can also be used metaphorically to take control of anything to use for your own purposes. Use the word: What would you do if you suspected a passenger sitting next to you was about to hijack the plane?
- Fused: unido/fusionado
The combination of large feet and fused bones in their legs allow them to run for a long period of time. ‘Fused’ comes from the verb ‘to fuse’ which means to join two things together. Please note, however, that in business English we do not talk of the fusion of two companies we talk of ‘mergers.’ Use the word: Do you like music that fuses jazz with salsa? Do you like salsa?
- Mate: macho / hembra (para aparearse) (compañero / colega)
They find a mate. ‘Mate’ is the technical word for the other partner in animal reproduction. However, it also means friend or companion. Mmm… I wonder what’s the connection? Use the word: Name an animal that makes a lot of noise when it mates.
- Creature: criatura
He was very much a creature of the twentieth century. ‘Creature’ is, of course, a word for ‘animals.’ But we see in this example another meaning: when someone is the product of a particular time or place we say they are ‘a creature of that time and place.’ For example… the hippies were creatures of late sixties counter culture. Use the word: Tell us the name of an evil creature from Lord of the Rings.
- Trade in: cambiar por
He has now traded in Marxism for conservatism. ‘To trade in’ is ‘to exchange.’ You take something you have and you swap it for something new. Use the word: Has humanity traded in religion for consumerism?
I hope you are all excited as me to be at another class of advanced English vocabulary. Today we’re going to learn the following words
Part 2 of Advanced English Vocabulary – list 5a
- Brothel
- Mainstream
- Full on
- Bond
- Nostrils
Surprisingly, although the subject of today’s class is animal sexuality, only one of the above words is of a sexual nature. Can you guess which one it is? Well, to know the answer you’ll have to listen to today’s list of advanced English vocabulary. Download the audio and start learning new words now.
Five key words/expressions of advanced English vocabulary.
- Brothel: Bordello, a house of prostitutes.
E.g. “There is a famous brothel in Castelldefels.” A brothel – burdel – is a house or place where you can buy the services of a prostitute. A place where you pay for sex. Use the word: Are brothels legal in this country? Do you agree or disagree with this legal status?
- Mainstream: Conventional.
E.g. “Trip hop is not a part of mainstream musical culture.” Mainstream culture – cultura convencional – is the culture of the majority and the opposite of alternative culture. Use the word: Are you alternative or do you prefer mainstream culture when it comes to cinema, music and books?
- Full on: total, complete.
E.g. “Are there some animals that are full-on gay?” Full-on – total – means ‘complete, total or very.’ It is a very common term in colloquial English and when used alone can mean ‘intense.’ E.g. that argument was full on. Use the word: Would you say that you are a full-on republican?
- Bond: Link, relationship, tie.
E.g. “The two students had a strong bond with a fundamentalist activist.” A bond – un vínculo – is stronger than a link. It is a strong connection, relationship or commitment, between two or more things. Use the word: Do you have a strong bond with your colleagues?
- Nostrils: the two holes in your nose.
E.g. “She had huge nostrils.” Nostrils – narices – refers to the two holes situated at the bottom of the nose. Use the word: Do you think you have beautiful nostrils? Is there such a thing as beautiful nostrils?
Now it’s time to repeat todays words of advanced English vocabulary – Brothel burdel, Mainstream convencional, Full on total, Bond vínculo and Nostrils narices – Okay, let’s listen to this week’s audio, but remember, CoolTalk is just one module of the unique learning experience called Ingocio. Visit and start improving your career, your general knowledge, and your English. Download the free version… now!